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Word for America- March 2025 Newsletter


May Grace and Shalom be yours in full measure, as you come to a full knowledge of God and Yeshua our Lord.

Word of The LORD about Time 03/06/25


As it is written:

He has made everything suited to its time; also, He has given human beings an awareness of eternity; but in such a way that they can’t fully comprehend, from beginning to end, the things God does. Ecc 3:11 CJB


As I was seeking the LORD about time and getting things done, it was impressed upon me that The LOR was saying many people are getting in a rush for what they want to see happen in 2025. I would have to include myself if I am being honest. They/myself are asking The LORD and saying are we not running out of time?

It seemed the Spirit was saying:

There is not time for anxiety. There is not time for laziness. There is not time for selfishness. There is not time for foolishness.

Reference to the five wise and five foolish virgins. We must have oil in our lamps and be ready and awake at all times for our Glorious Groom coming for His Glorious Bride.    Matt. 25:1-13

Seeking the things of this world and getting in a rush in the flesh will leave

no time at all.

I created time. Time serves Me not the other way around.

People, in general, serve time not knowing how to redeem the time.

There is always time to sit at My Feet. There is always time to seek Me. There is always time to Worship Me. You must be Wise now and learn to redeem the time by seeking My will in all things for the days are surely evil, says the Spirt of Wisdom.


Men typically measure time by what is accomplished. But I measure time in Trust!

I AM Love so in regards to time I AM very much Quality time.. time spent Trusting and seeking Me!


 Eph. 51-21 scriptural reference and meditation


Decrees & Declarations


We are to Come Alive and Thrive in 2025!

Here are some declarations The LORD gave us 12/30/2024 for 2025

May this inspire you as a starting point as you seek the LORD to give you decrees and declarations from your mouth for your life, family and community.

Come Alive in 2025!

Come Alive and occupy!

Come Alive and Thrive!

Come Alive America!

Come Alive Nations that call upon the Name of Christ

Come Alive Body of Christ, Come Alive Ecclesia!

Death could not hold Christ neither shall death hold His Body!

We rebuke the spirit of death and it’s hold and assignments due to the great sin and iniquity that has come upon the earth.

But we release the Greater testimony of the Blood of the Lamb!

We release the Greater power of the Anointed One and His anointing!

Come Alive fallen mantles. Come Alive Double and Triple Mantles

Come Alive dormant visions and dreams. Come Alive power gifts in

Greater measure now

Come Alive Revelation Gift in greater measure now.

Come Alive utterance gifts in Greater measure now!

Come Alive and be fruitful

Come Alive and Abundant in the produce of the Spirit where no law

Can overcome and no accusation or curse can stand.

NO we stand on our faith through the demonstration of the Spirit

Come Alive watchers on the wall and those who stand in the gap.

Come Alive worshippers and players of anointed instruments.

Bring up a praise from the Earth to the Halls of Heaven that causes angels to stand in wonder

Come Alive helper and administrators

Come Alive Apostles and build

Come Alive Prophets and proclaim the Truths of He who is Truth

Come Alive Evangelists and proclaim the Gospel unto salvation

Come Alive Pastors and feed and tend the Sheep of God and His pasture.

Come Alive Teachers with precept by precept and make the scriptures to come alive to the hearing ear!

Come Alive Gifts

Come Alive anointings

Come Alive Callings

Come Alive Believers

Come Alive Dead Church and Denominations

Come Alive assignments

Come Alive in Purpose and Strength

Come Alive in Righteousness

Come Alive unto Holiness

For He made us Come Alive together with Him

The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead bodily

Also dwells in our hearts and bodies so that we the fullness of Him that fills all in all!

Come Alive manifestations

Come Alive those who are dead in sin and trespasses

Come Alive those who were lost that are now found

Come Alive oh prodigal and come home

Come Alive addict you are free

Come Alive you who have been abused cast out and neglected

Your Salvation is upon you!


Glory Glory HalleluYah!

His Truth is marching on! His Truth is marching on!

Come Alive and Thrive oh Holy Nation of God we come into greater agreement and unity with our High Priest whover lives to intercede for His Beloved!

We enforce the Law of Christ that is greater than the law of sin and death

We petition the Mercy of Christ which is greater than His righteous! Eph 2




We are believing to step out this year into more itinerant ministry to do more mission trips and do our part in seeing revival come to America on a national level. We have an assignment to the Ohio Valley especially.

Can you believe with us for open doors as we step out to do all that God has called us to do. Perhaps that is simply in prayer or you can also join with us as a Covenant monthly partner. Will you pray about sowing monthly $5, $25 or whatever amount the Spirit would lead you to give?

Thank You and may our expectation meet His exceeding greatness for us all.




David, Kelly, and Thelma Hess

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